Recruiting Toolbox Blog

Talking About The Future

Written by Recruiting Toolbox | May 22, 2023 at 7:26 PM

John Vlastelica - speaker at the Unleash conference in Las Vegas last month - sat down with the Matt Alder, host of the #1 podcast in recruitment to talk about the future of recruiting and AI.  John shares insights about some of the tech that both excited and terrified him, some of the key themes from the event, including a big focus on talent management from talent acquisition leaders. 

Matt Alder's Intro: "At the beginning of May, I attended UNLEASH America as a podcaster and panel host. It was UNLEASH's biggest event to date in the US, and the content and conversations were excellent. As you can imagine, the implications of Generative AI dominated the discussion. From talking to a range of practitioners, vendors, and thought leaders, it was clear that everyone agrees that Talent Acquisition will be changed quickly and forever by new technology." 

Listen to the podcast Here.