Free Webinar - Mobile Talent Workshop - March 27, 2013

R U Mobile?  Your candidates certainly are.  In fact, 20-30% of your candidates are trying to access your career website through their mobile device TODAY.  Mobile is quickly becoming the biggest and most impactful technological disrupter to the recruiting industry since the emergence of job boards.  That’s right, even more disruptive than social media.  So if your recruitment experience isn't mobile optimized yet, the time to make that happen is not in the future, it is NOW.

At 2PM ET/11AM PT on Wednesday, March 27, Recruiting Toolbox Principal Consultant Ben Gotkin will join iMomentous’ Ed Newman for the first of a series of webinars that will introduce you to what you need to know to get on board with mobile recruiting today.  Optimizing your career website for mobile devices is just the first step.  Ed and Ben will discuss not only the case for going mobile, but will also cover the various stages of adoption, the who's who in the mobile recruitment technology market, and practical examples of what candidates want and what employers can deliver.