John Vlastelica

Catbert, Evil HR Director

December 22, 2008

Click to Enlarge.

Hiring Decisions are big financial decisions

September 24, 2008

I loved this - heard something new today. Not mind blowing, but a really simple way to think about the hiring decision.

Employment Branding

December 5, 2007

I'm going to risk preaching to the choir here...

Practice what we preach: Interviewing Recruiters

November 30, 2007

I've interviewed 100s of recruiters in my career, and taught a lot of recruiters and hiring managers how to interview and select great people. And,..

The problem with reference checks

November 19, 2007

Professional reference check processes are - generally - flawed. Why?

Things I've learned from good headhunters

November 17, 2007

I was just sharing this experience in a recruiter/sourcing training session I was doing for a health care client this past week.


November 16, 2007

I enjoy writing, have some stuff published in a couple books on staffing best practices, and enjoyed some success with some popular recruiting white..